AFENet Review - Reviews of Numan gigs by Numan Fans
Sunday 23rd September, Shepherds Bush, London
No Room

I had wondered if Gary was miming at one point but assumed I was wrong.

There was no room to move at the gig.

I had a guy behind me trying to take pics of the show whilst bashing me with the camera, a guy to the right of me who could only be described as obece who annoyed everyone be constantly wobbleing from side to side and blocking our view.

And finally to the left of me there was a guy bootlegging the gig who gave me evil looks everytime I went anywhere near his mic to whom I almost punched through sheer frustration!! This guy really annoyed me coz not only did he ask me for a cig. but when I asked if I could get a copy of the show he had just booted he just sort of laughed at me!!!

Ranting over the gig itself was pretty cool but the three arse holes surrounding me fucked the nite up for me at least!!!

Chris McCarthy ([email protected])

9 Out Of 10

Good support.

Gary's performance was good, with adequate lighting show.

Some of the songs were reworked slightly, but not so much as to convince you of a new sound. I wondered if he changed the words of one of the verses in 'Love and Napalm' to reflect the terrorist attacks on America.

No surprise choice of songs, and no 'Cars', which I suspect everyone present had heard before anyway (!).

>From the balcony, you could hear pre-recorded echoes, for example on 'RIP' - perhaps that is what someone meant by miming - but someone told me that these were probably on before, but not audible down in the pit, where I usually am!

I would go again, and give it 9 out of 10.

Paddy Vickers ([email protected])

Solid and Impressive
I drove with another 3 Numanoids to this show, from Sunny (LOL) North East England. A near 600 mile round trip - 11.5 hours of Driving. I got home at 5:30am, and had to start work at 8:00am !!!

Was it worth it ??? - Well Aye, It sure was.

The performances all round were solid and impressive. The Sound was very clear and crisp (If a little on the quiet side), but the Light Show seemed a little restrained.

As for the choice of songs, as Gazza says, he can't please everyone all the time. I personally enjoyed the set (Thank God, No 'Cars' - LMAO).

The only real disapointment, was the lack of some promised new material. Never mind, the Gig was amazing and my travelling companions were a constant source of hillarity, and good old-fashioned FUN.

9/10 - Well done Lads. How about a North East Gig ???

Stevie K. Farnaby ([email protected])

Too Short

Considering i came from australia to see the concert i did expect a bit more being the last concert of the year and all.

No special entrance from Gary was made, lighting was minimal, the show was way to short just under 1 and a half hours he really should have just done a pub gig

Rene ([email protected])

Where were the old songs he promised us?
A huge disappointment......I thought this gig was going to be special, it had said so on Nuworld, where were the old songs he promised us? And perhaps the odd glimpse of how the new album was progressing? or some of his songs redone to allow us to hear the sounds he has been working with on his new album?

There wasn't the thrill at hearing something live like "This Wreakage" or "Sleep by Windows"

If I had known how the concert was going to turn out, i would have been contented to give it a miss, as I had seen Gary just a few weeks earlier at Reading, but Gary said this gig was going to be "special"

I am suprised once again at Gary's honesty, to say he didnt get time to do any reworked old songs because he was to busy watching the television.......that is so unprofessional.

I loved seing him at Reading, I knew he would be playing "Pure" and his greatest hits, and that was great.....but I expected more from the SBE.

NuDepression ([email protected])


In common with many fans I found this show very disappointing.

There was a distinct lack of atmosphere, but that's caused by what happens on stage.

The set list was very unimaginative, with real dull patches (I know I'm in the minority on this but I find Voix utterly boring). The lights were okay but nothing special, the sound was bass-heavy as always but did seem muffled.

Generally it felt like they were just going through the motions and couldn't wait to get the songs finished. Films has been a great track live in the last few years but the version on Sunday wasn't worth the effort - the intro was non-existant.

As other people have pointed out - where was the new material, and the new versions of old songs we'd been promised?

It was great to see a good review in The Guardian on Tuesday (although he seemed a bit confused about a few details!) but it's a shame that the show didn't really deserve it.

I saw Billie Ray Martin the following night at the Jazz Cafe - a very different type of artist at a venue maybe a tenth the size of the Empire - and she got a real atmosphere going and put on a superb performance.

I can only assume Gary has a lot on his mind with the end of the Eagle relationship, etc., although it always struck me they weren't trying very hard. I remember seeing a display in the window of Tower at Piccadilly Circus for Exile - the week after it made its brief appearance in the chart.

I think they only wanted him as a tax write-off in the first place.


Loved The Concert

i loved the concert.ok it was my first for 3 years so i dont know what last years shows were like but i thought numan was great.his energy was massive,the sound was great and hes never gonna spend money on the set like he used too.

i cant believe after all the years the money he spent on the concerts to keep us happy that now people are whinging about the lighting!

as for the miming,i'll say he didnt.

If he did he wouldnt be the first,so stop your whinging and give the bloke a break.

When he new album arrives then look forward to the next concert!

stuart hammett ([email protected])

Tired Old Set

I knew he was going to say something like "this is for those of you who like old songs" after he had played the same old tired set we had seen at the previous one-offs (an oxymoron!) and on the Pure tour.

But by then it was too late for me - I'd heard it all before and there were no surprises to enjoy. I love the Pure album and have played it to death but it is no longer new, those who are going to buy it already have.

If ever there is another one off, it must be something special - a might covering the excellent albums from the 90's and the best of the rest - Jo the waiter, Tracks, I die:you die, you are you are etc etc

The random album clearly showed how eighties tracks such as Poetry and Power can be played in the Pure style. As Gary seeks opinion, give it but don't be outrageous just to get attention - he was up for it but didn't get the response he wanted as old songs were greeted by the loudest chears - he seemed to lose heart and cut the night short.

Please let him return for at least one more time though!

Dave C ([email protected])


In our opinion the show was superb, we can't see what everyone is complaining about.

We were right at the front and didn't notice him miming and the lighting was fine, what do these people expect especially at a venue like that of that size. Nothing wrong with the set list, it would have been nice to have heard cars but if that is his choice, so be it.

Our one wish is that maybe just once a year he could meet the fans at a after show party like he did in Manchester, the fans never seem to get a chance to meet him and we feel that he just isn't interested in meeting fans anymore, like one of the other reviews said he just takes the money and runs.

Anyway we are looking forward to the next concert, we will be there! At the front. Tracey and Alison, Cambridge

Tracey and Alison ([email protected])

Call Themselves Fans

so they call themselves fans eh!! these so called fans that hint of mime,poor lighting and a staid playlist..well i think not

!because from where i was standing,virtually on the sound/lighting desk everything seemed up to the usual NUMAN standard,in fact better than when i saw gary earlier in the year down at southampton,plenty of agression from garys performance backed up by the rest of the band who quite clearly "are up for it".

And hooray NO cars!!!

WELL done lads look forward to next year.


ken simpson ([email protected].)


No point going over the same points made below

BUT! That was the 5th one off I've driven from Glasgow for, and it's my last.

Not because it was bad, it was just boring.

He's left Eagle, no more promo for Pure, everyone who has bought it will, so fecks sake, mix it up a bit. Dominion Day is fine on record, live it's a "going to the toilet" moment.

LOve and Napalm was excellent, as was I Can't Breathe, but thats the only bit where my heart jumped.

Don't keep all the oldies til the end-mix it in with the set. Breaks the style up a bit

As for the hair/lights/t-shirts-who gives a flying one?


Highlight Of The Year

The bush gig was the highlight of this year for me.

Gary gave a Faultless and LIVE performence which i will remember as one of the best he has done.
The support act (greenhouse) was ok if you like that sort of thing and as i was standing on the stairs up to the light desk, i can conferm that the only lighting problems that happened was the engineer did't light up over the front stage enough for greanhouse to see there instruments.

A guy ran up to the engineer and told him to sort it.
>From my viewpoint i had a clear view over all and can tell all you douters out there that this was a LIVE gig.
and as far as i am conserned,(f*****g excelent).

Darren Tullett ([email protected])

For what it's worth

At the end of the day it was a "one-off" gig, so there are always going to be certain limitations - the light show, stage set, decent merchandise (I thought the t-shirt was quite cool, actually)etc but having said that, for only £15, you really can't complain.

I read on Nuworld once, that Gary complained no matter what he did - set wise - he could never please everyone, and he has a point.

Personally I prefer the old stuff but you can't really expect too much as the new style doesn't really support it (including AFE I'm afraid to say) - so I expected mostly new stuff.

Anyway, there's more things to worry about in life than miming, lights, t-shirts etc...

PS Gabriel - don't be such a touchy so and so, not sure who rattled your pram...

Dave Henderson ([email protected])

Rumour Treadmill

i take it the rumour treadmill is back in fullswing, was he,wasnt he miming?..i was on level 1 & saw no evidence of this....which songs are they on about?..who really cares!!

in my humble opinion the show was nothing short of excellent, if theres a set of musicians more focused on what there doing id like to see them.
as for older songs reworked

numan did actually say..dont be dissappointed & start whinging if non appear, they didnt, & im not, (although i did hear the odd tweak hear & there during im an agent).

highlights of the night for me were : pure, walking with shadows,a prayer for the unborn, im an agent...ohhhh bollocks,i could name them all!!!!!!!!

i also thought the crowd reaction was excellent & im sure gary would say the same he seemed to be lapping it up.

all in all a great night had by everybody,except that handfull of people who seem to know better than the manhimself. to those do have an option...NOBODY forces u to go.

as for the numan camp,


([email protected])

In my opinion, the show was superb. The only criticism I have is that it wasn't long enough.

There's no point in answering each negative comment made by others. I think it's more important to point out that the most strident critics appear to be illiterate. Is there a connection?

These people's bitterness is almost tangible, but why direct their solecisms at Gary Numan?

Matthew Roberts ([email protected])

For what it's worth..

I don't know about Gary, but music's the last thing on my mind at the moment; what with all the mad shit that's going on in the world just now.

These are precisely the moments you need something/one to lift your spirits & remind you of the good things in life.

So, cheers to Gary for the gig, and here's to happier times...

Paul Denman ([email protected])

this part of this website is called the review section
Firstly, Gabriel - you really are a fuckwit aren't you? Yes it's a gig but this part of this website is called the review section where people express their opinion; good or bad. I pity you for your blind devotion. You my friend are the tosser, not us.

And the gig? Numan must know that probably half of that crowd have been to all the one off shows so surely they (we) deserve more than a rearranged set of the same songs.

And if the comments about the New York Disaster as a justification for no new material are true....Well I went to work in the days that followed as opposed to phoning my clients to cancel appointments so I could watch TV (you see clients pay my mortgage and my bills so I figure they deserve a level of service in return from me). And yes before the blind devoted ask, I knew people in NY as well OK.

Cant comment on the miming thing as I was towards the back of the venue with people who haven't seem him live for 10 years and they enjoyed themselves but then the set was a bit different back then wasn't it? Dont think he should mime though; if he wants more power on the vocals let the band back him up on chorous etc a bit more. A simple but effective idea.

Lights OK - as someone else said, the problem we have is we've been spoilt rotten in the past.

And that's the problem. That same half of the audience that turns up show in, show out, year in, year out is waiting for the day we get that set with maybe 6 songs from the latest album, 4 from the last and then Films, Tracks, Complex, Me! I Disconnect, AFE?, Voix, Everyday I Die, Crash, Joy Circuit, Hunger, My Shadow In Vain thrown in (you get the point). And I guess we will keep on going in hope that that fateful day arrives. Which is our choice, eh Gabriel?

CD ([email protected])

A veteran of more than 150 Numan gigs
A veteran of more than 150 Numan gigs and something of a fanatic, I sped down the M1 to attend the latest one-off offering from my hero. My girlfriend and I did not have enormously high hopes - while we wouldn't miss a Numan gig for the world, we are both of the same mind: Gary Numan seldom looks like he wants to be onstage these days. The set lists have been predictable and when surprises have been sprung, they have been poorly planned (Desire and Whisper of Truth as encores? Come on!!!)

Despite this sceptiscism, I always get the same old shiver down the spine when the lights go down. As Gary strutted onto the stage to the percussive loops of an anonymous intro, it was clear that he was fired-up to fuck. Drugs? Out of his head? For the level of energy and enthusiasm that GN put into the Sunday night show, I wouldnt care if he was drunk on goat's blood. For christs sake, he is a rock star - I guess some fans find the notion of our hero popping the odd versace here or there less acceptable than Dave Gahan fucked out of his mind on Heroin for years on end.

Miming? Oooh, never. The disappointment here is that such a furore has been created. Every band who use electronics to any real degree use backing tracks, whether in DAT, minidisk or sequencer form. Gary Numan has always put presentation above musicianship. That is, it's not how many fucking notes are played live but what is heard and seen by the audience. It has been fairly commmon knowledge for most genuine fans that not every single sound we here on stage is live. I for one would prefer Gary to 'ghost' over a pre-recorded vocal track in difficult chorus sections than here him struggle or fail to hit the notes. If this were the case, people would be raising hell saying his performance was shit.

You people are simply amazing. The man is a fucking hero. There's probably not long left now for this thing that we love so much - the lack of commercial success ensures that we have perhaps one or two albums left. So basically, if you're not happy with Gary ghosting the odd line, choosing to omit 'empty bed empty heart' from the set or daring to have his hair integration a tad too volumous on top, then why not just go elsewhere and let those who want to enjoy it do so without suffering your intolerable 'it's all shit yet i have little else in my life to pontificate upon'.

it is his career. if you feel that it's not exactly how you would like to see it, there are other bands around whose hairstyles or god forbid, hair replacement, will be more acceptable to you. they may even perform obscure b-sides. as far as i am concerned, gary numan's performance the other night simply defined what a seasoned and enthusiastic performer he can be........without needing to drive around the stage in a remote control vehicle.

Paul Landers ([email protected])

i cant believe that any of u can honestly think that gary mimes at his concerts!!!!!!
this is outraegous and an insult on gary and his band.
during the last 3 years i have been lucky to see gary on nunerous occasions and watch him rehearse for his gigs.
i have witnessed how much thought and effort gary puts in not 4 himself but 4 all of us!!!!!!!
gary uses DAT on some tracks, thats normal these days but his voice is live!!!!
gary numan live is just an incredible experience and always lots of fun.
i took my son who is 7years old to euro rock since that day he has not stopped talking about gary gemma and all the band
he stands at the mirror with his guitar pretending 2 be gary.
and that shows me that gary has so much 2 offer.



A Huge Grin
First London Numan concert for me since the Fury tour at Hammersmith Odeon. Three hour trip down from Sheffield with a friend of mine from work. We arrived around 4.30 and went straight for the pub right next to the Shepherds Bush Empire, it was already full of Numanoids. My mate looked out of place in his red sweat shirt against a sea of black.

The venue was suprisingly small and compact and soon filled up. We got a good spot about six rows back from the front and slightly to the right. The support was OK, Needed a vocalist though. Sorry but I always compare Numan supports to Tik and Tok and there's no comparison.

Numan came on to a huge cheer, posturing and posing and throwing his guitar around. I don't think "My Jesus" was a good choice to open with, too quiet with no long intro. Am I living in the past or wouldn't it of been great to hear the intro to "This Wreckage" or " Sister Suprise"

Highlights for me were "Pure" Best song he's done in years, "Metal" One of my favourites that always gets the crowd going, "Voix", "I can't Breathe" was fantastic and "AFE"

Disappointments were not finishing on a sing along "Jo the Waiter" would of been great. Would of been great to of heard somthing from before "Replicas" Something like "friends" would of really got the crowd going.

I hope I havn't come across too negitive. I had a fantastic time, Gary was as cool as ever,I know he's got an impossible task trying to please everyone. He's writing some of the best stuff in years and I love the way he's made the tranission from synth pop to synth goth!!! I don't think i've seen him smile so much before. i loved the way he stood staring into the crowd from the front of the stage, then broke into a huge grin, he was obviously enjoying himself.
If anyone was at was at the gig please E mail me and let me know what you thought.

Paul Brown ([email protected])
Good Sound, Shame About the Venue
I knew what to excpect from a one-off show, and to be honest for 1 night only unless you are playing live at Wembley Arena you won't make the money to put on a light show.

The setlist changed slightly from the Pure Tour, adding in songs from Exile and Sacrifice.

I wish now though that Gary would give the one-off shows a rest as they were a novelty when first started, and apart from an album launch or other special occasion these shows don't need to happen anymore.

Not sure about the miming, although he always did have the tedancy to do this on older songs.

Anybody who has the Dream Corrosion video watch and listen carefully to "Remind Me To Smile" and "I'm An Agent", you can hear the vocals without the lips moving.!!

The sound on this concert was good though, shame about the venue.

Chris Proctor

No Complaints

My wife and myself went to the show on 23 September at Shepherds Bush. We were up in Level 1 so we got a decent view of what was going on. I thought that the sound was excellent. The first show I ever went to (I think it was at The Forum a few years back) had a pretty bad sound quality and you couldn't make out anything except bass and drums, but all concerts since then have been spot on.

I read on this site the rumours about there being miming going on at Sunday's concert. I certainly didn't think that to be the case, but being in Level 1 I would never have been able to tell at all times. I find it hard to believe, so maybe someone can verify why they believe miming was taking place.

One thing I noticed at the concert which I thought was fantastic, was the amount of very young (under 10) Numanoids that are coming along with their parents, some wearing the little t-shirts that were for sale. I think that's great, and I hope that Gary Numan is still going strong when my child is old enough to appreciate it.

I have no complaints about Sunday's performance.

Dave Payne

Very Poor

You are right about this show not being what it said on Gary Numans offical site, its kind of a rip off saying your going to do something, get everyone to buy the tickets, and then dont deliver the goods, that is very poor.

There was promised things like doing older songs in a new style. The set list was crap. I was very disapointed its the first I must say which I have founds not very good.

It took me a lot of trouble to go to this this gig. Ill think again about going to another one of Garys shows.

Very poor.

R Harper ([email protected])

An Icon and a Idol

IT started different and stayed that way the light show lacked imagination and you just cant get the teletour shows out of your head.

still i changed my direction with numan over the years and it was good to see cars dropped as it does struggle with the new style numan, When will AFE go ? soon i hope.

Voix came across good and metal but the lack of new material or re-worked oldies was sadly lacking.

As for the miming ? is it really that bad for him to use a Backing Track ? lots of artists use them and i think generaly the majority of the crowd new nothing of this.

the merchandise for the last 2 one off's was poor the t-shirts really are nothing short of shit. the atmosphere was ok but there did seem to be a feeling of disapointment around the venue. Is every body just expecting something different from each of these so called 1 of shows ? there does seem to be rather a lot of them in the last few years is gary subsidising his income at the expense of the di hard loyal fans who will always buy "Numan" products whatever they feel about being disapointed or ripped off.

if gary reads any of the thing's written about sundays show he will probably searching the moaning people out 1 by 1 and baseball batting them to death.

wake up people dont analize everything he does in detail you have a life use it.

The highlight of the night had to be Seeing what was to me for many years an icon and idol live good or bad.

tony2000 ([email protected])

My Last

where do you start..the place was packed full of numanoids..and a great moment to see a more relaxed numan..he had nobody to win over. through our own choice since 1979.we have followed him. and i for one expected to go back to work on monday singing his praises.

.we have all got pure we heard it at reading ..we wore it out solid upon release..a one off show no better time to sit on the edge of the stage and talk to his fans..he never shook one hand that outstretched to say well done and we are still here. there was numan fans with there own children all of which could have been seated at the front with gemma. to make there night special. numan for me was just going through the motions the word take the money and run maybe too strong.

but i felt he could have done so much more. no imagination on the stage outfit. no experiments with the great synth sounds that took us far and wide to see our hero.

perform a one off special...i have been to them all and that was my last...

derek hayward ([email protected])


First of all we thought the concert was fantastic. Gary looked better than ever, with an obvious abundance of energy,his style, presence, and stature totally reflecting his achievement to reach a much wider, younger audience.

Yes it is nice to hear old stuff, being longtime fans, but it is the new stuff he is now selling,surely this is more important for Gary's long term success, this benefits us all, doesnt it ?

As for the miming could you tell us at what point this was suppose to have taken place....with being right at the front and with an excellent view, there was no signs of miming to us.

Marie and Rob Perkins ([email protected])


All I can say about Shepherds Bush last week was it was ok.

I was surprised to hear some of the songs again, voix, dominion day and the awful version of metal from NIN which is not a patch on GN's own. I did think the pure stuff sounded awesome, and all round the sound was the best I'd heard for years.

I do think the one off shows allow GN to have minimal lighting and no stage set which is not good. I would rather see a tour once every 3 years than what we get now.

I certainly didn't understand the encore situation, surely to come back for one more final song wouldn't kill, but I wonder if GN pulled the plug due to what I thought a lukewarm crowd who'd seen it all before.

Jim Dix ([email protected])

Watching The TV

I was two from the front for most of the gig and must admit that at some points I did think Gary was miming but at other parts he deffinetly wasn't,the "Whispered bits were(imo) sung live,but it was the shouted bits like "Hey! Bitch,this is what you are" had me questioning it slightly.

I met Gary at the stage door and someone asked why no new material was done as it was reported on Nuworld

Gary replied that he had fully intended to air some new stuff but the events that took place in the US detracted from this(quote " I was stuck in front of my tv for days watching the events") and it just wasn't possible to get anything finished.

I enjoyed the set,but then I like "Pure".Most that I spoke to who didn't like the gig don't like "Pure"

Glasgow Crazie! ([email protected])

A Leveller
Shepherds Bush is nice venue if you are sat upstairs but downstairs if you are smaller than 6 foot is a nightmare. Managed to get a position to the left of the stage near the speakers and can definately say I don't think he was miming; there was the odd mumbled lyric.

If this was a review of a football match you would say "Good solid performance in front of the home crowd" - not trying to knock the gig but there wasn't anything memorable about it. Nuworld implied there might be some new songs played and re-workings of old songs but this didn't materialise. Good to hear My Jesus as the opener and returns for Absolution and Deadliner, but would have happily traded in Films, Are Friend's Electric?, Metal, Me! I Disconnect From You and Voix for some lesser played oldies - The Sleeproom for one. I agree with the decision not to play Cars - has been threatened for a while - and I don't think the live version ever captures the brilliance of record version. After seeing Numan so many times now, the only old song that you never tire of is Down in the Park and it blends in nicely with the "new" sound.

I sympathise with the need to keep attracting new fans, but if you are going to do one-off gigs a serious rotation of the set list would be a real bonus. You might have more of a mixed reaction but that is better than the status quo. At the Pure record signing I asked Gary if he would play Complex live - he replied no because he doesn't have a string section - well get one (Vanessa Mae guest artist?)or simulate it on a moog.

Don't mean to sound negative, I'll still go to the gigs and buy the records, but Pure put everyone on a high and kept the rising momentum going, but this gig was simply a leveller.

Tony Tomlinson ([email protected])

No Weave - No Miming & No Photos

Lights Dimmed as Dry ice was pumped on stage.

The crowd cheered as the band came on and that became a roar as Numan took centre stage.
I was about 3 or 4 rows; back from the stage front and Gary looked as pumped up as I have ever seen him for the start of a show.

Dominion Day was the opener tonight and people were dancing at the front as he continued his newer material (including a lot of the Pure album).

He threw in Love and Napalm,and Absolution from his previous two albums . I have always found the anticipation of what;s he going to play next; thrilling and tonight was no exception.

I did expect him to play a more varied set than his previous gigs so I was a little disappointed when the usual suspects kept popping up. None of the re-working of old material as promised and no new stuff either.

However, regardless of what a lot of people are saying in the forum, on my occasional glance behind me the balconies were heaving and people seemed to be having a good time!

Gary was having a grand time and there were glimpses of the old Numan when he froze at the stage edge to stare at the audience. Even bursting into a fit of laughter at one point!

Whilst awaiting the encore the crowd chanted as loudly and vehemently as I have ever heard them!
The vibration of new rocks stamping the floor added to the din. Numan came back on and milked the adulation as only he can. Putting his hand to his ear as if we weren't screaming loud enough! This display proved to me that he has at last found the confidence and arrogance of the true stage performer!

He said that at the fans request - he was going to finish with some old ones ! A cheer went up as he launched into Films, I'm an Agent and Are Friends Electric (amongst others).

Now this is a point I find hard to fathom! People on this board say they are fed up with listening to the Pure album songs! Yet these same people lap up the old tunes as never before! I know they have become classics and yes I enjoy them too- but surely this is just nostalgia, our attempt to regain lost youth? Looking around me again at this point I could see all the balconies cheering and saluting their hero!

With regard to those two controversial points, Miming and his hair!

As I said, I was very close to the stage. OK, I am no expert in the music field and never claimed to be. However, I DO NOT BELIEVE HE WAS MIMING!!! No doubt there were backing vocals which were on tape. As Numan provides his own backing vocals on his songs these days why should it come as a surprise?

WIG? WEAVE? The headbanging he did surely disproved that! Any wigmaker or glue company would sign him up to advertise the durability of their product! Also as we all know Gary sweats quite a bit and any glue would dissipate!

I left feeling that I had got value for money. However I went to the concert seeking entertainment and to see and hear one of my musical idols. I saw him. I heard him. I was satisfied! Sad old git? Gullible rose tinted spectacle wearer? Maybe but I think we all get something out of it! I did not feel compelled to buy the tee shirt (which I am sorry to say was probably the worse one he has ever produced!) or picture CD!

This last Item led to probably the saddest aspect of the show as far as I was concerned. The indiscriminate and illegal confiscation and deletion of pictures taken by people with digital cameras!

Over the last few years some people on this board (The Black Messiah in particular) have produced a stunning pictorial catalogue of Numan events for many people to share and enjoy. If it were not for people like this then a lot of his fans would be hard pushed to find any decent pictures of his gigs and would have to pay for them.

I for one refused to purchase the CD after these events. I will never buy any picture CD that Gary produces until a suitable apology is printed.

Sorry to end on a negative note folks!

NU-EPB ([email protected])


Oh my, some of you are a disgrace. Miming! FUCKING MIMING! Bullshit, you ungrateful little shits.

Fuck off and support someone else if that's your attitude. One minute it's vocals not good enough, to now he's not even singing. Grrrrrrr!.

How hard does this man work in the face of adversity and then to be confronted with this mis-informed shit.

Last night was an exciting show on so many fronts, if he'd just a 100 watt lightbulb above him and some Amstrad speakers it would have still satisfied anyone with a modicum of entertainment appreciation.

Don't miss the point it's a gig people, entertainment remember. Boo-hoo! lights aren't great, vocals are muffled, awww didums, enjoy it, love it or frankly fuck off and take your juvenile opinions to someone else's door.

I loved last night, dynamic, fresh and as a layman going to his first show, surprised by it's depth.

You jaded lot should give up instead of coming up with disingenious drivel to fuel your own narcisstic little egos. Tossers!


Solid & Steady

Well ! , I 've forgotten when I've been to a Numan gig in London when it hasn't poured down so this was no surprise - we got there at 6.45 , got straight in the queue and ended up about 4 back form the front - good spec.

The support band were Greenhaus and although only instrumental were excellent - best support for a long time (Mesh being the best for me recently).

Numan and the boys came on nice and early at 9 pm , track listing as follows :

My Jesus , Pure , Metal, Listen to my Voice , Dominion Day , Absolution , Walking with Shadows , Me I Disconnect from you , Love and Napalm , RIP , Voix , A Prayer for the Unborn , I Can't Breathe , Films , DITP , I'm an Agent and AFE.

I'm not really one to criticise my hero and it was great to hear Love and Napalm and I'm an Agent for the first time live for me.

The 4 of us in our group talked about how solid and steady the performance was but it was a shame to hear so many "regulars" , at least though he had the guts and sense to give Cars a rest at last.

The 2 unexpected "ringers" were great and to be fair to Gary he has played a hell of a lot of different rare tracks to go with the usual ones on the last few one offs so we can't really complain but I'm sure lots of the regular moaners will.

Gary looked as fit as ever , Harris was his usual wierd but wonderful self and Brooksy looked cool but bizarre in his pearls and angel girly t-shirt!!

Overall a good support band , lots of early moshing and pogo-ing down the front made a good atmosphere and a fine night was enjoyed.

Get on with the video for last night so we can have something new to watch instead of Dream Corrosion and keep on with the new album - can't wait !

All the best Gary and the Band - Best live act around !

Russ Hughes ([email protected])

Who Saw It ?

A packed and sold out audience saw Gary in his last show for this year, or did they?. Myself and girlfriend were unable to see more than ten minutes of the show due to the way the Empire is laid out.

Also it`s a shame so many people go to concerts and continue to talk the whole way through, therefore ruining it for others. But all that aside it was a good show, with great sounds although the intro was to quiet.

Gary played a good mix of old and new, and performed superbly as usual.

It`s good to hear "The Park" again as it`s one of my faves.The new material was powerful and was received with great applause.

Altogether an excellent show, just a shame it`s not in a larger venue.

Adam Funnell ([email protected])

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