6th April, Shepherds Bush Empire |
Class |
have not seen Gary live for quite a few years, but
when given the chance of a ticket and pass to the
after party, I packed my bag and travelled from
Cornwall to London. The Bush was packed but I had
a great view from the bar area. Gary's performance
was out of this world, much different from when
I last saw him. The sound and lighting was first
class and a great choice of songs. The Pure stuff
was great and showed Gary in fine style. What a
way to spend a Saturday Night, Brilliant and I got
too meet the man himself (after 23 years as a fan)
big thanks to Rob, Shane! and Boo for a great night.
How about the Southwest next time! 10 out of 10.
Agent Pasty ([email protected])
Best |
being very disappointed with all the Nuworld revelations
of recent weeks I attended this gig with a sense
of dread. I was slightly disappointed with the last
SBE show and thought that if the setlist was the
same or nearly then I would approach future Numan
gigs with care. I never considered not going, I
had all my rail tickets etc.... sorted out and besides
it's still a night away from Mistress.
show blew me away!! I had drank a fair quantity
of alcohol before the gig and had attempted to sober
up by downing 5 pints of coke in the hour before
show time - bad mistake - I had to go to the toilet
during My Jesus (thanks for the offer of a bottle
Jimmy, but a Prince Albert causes the Curly Wurly
piss technique). The bass levels seemed as though
they were on number 11 and my bladder seemed to
be taking the brunt of it.
first for me (a Numan gig goer since 1991) was the
crush that occurred during My Shadow In Vain. Sorry
to all those who felt my incredible bulk charging
past them on my way to Numan oblivion (otherwise
known as row). I went from about 10-15 rows back
past Bob who was 3-4 rows ahead of me and right
to row 3.
Wreckage gave me a severe case of Creamy Pantyitis
- as I'd missed out in 1981 and in 2000. M.E. sounded
better than I'd ever heard it. Dark wasn't as good
live as I'd always imagined it - again I'd never
heard it live. Exile was rubbish - but then I prefer
fast/heavy Numan songs anyway.
miming debate - My Opinion
definatley mimes during the choruses at the very
least during Pure songs. I have a booty of SBE 2000
and to say he sounds rough during the choruses is
to be kind to the fella, I can accept that level
of miming - as long as it's not the whole show.
Second best Numan gig I've been to.
([email protected]) |
One |
Bush Empire is fast becoming the firm favourite
venue for going to see Gary in London and Saturdays
show was, in my opinion, one of his best. A great
choice of older tracks, some not played for some
time now, given the 'pure' treatment with the band
handling the old sounds superbly.
Whether or not this was for the benefit of cameras
recording for the future live DVD, I thought the
lights and paricularly the stage set-up and backdrops
to be the best they have been for a long time. Sound
quality could not be faulted and the gig culminated
in a different style of encore, with four tracks
and just the one return. All in all an excellent
night up to the usual high Numan standard and I
look forward to seeing the DVD later in the year.
Nice one Gary =)
Gray ([email protected])
Time |
traveled all the way from Canada for this show,
I was not disappointed. Great light show, good selection
of old and new. Great venue.the croud was right
in to it and i had a really good time.tyhanks for
the good times .
DERYKE ([email protected])
Time |
was only my 2nd time seeing Gary live. Hard to believe?
I know. I bought AFE & Cars when they first
came out when I was 11 but that was it. Always took
an interest in his chart stuff but never bought
any albums. Bought Pure last year (best album I've
heard from anyone for years), went to see him at
SBE last September and have been buying & listening
ever since.
NOT speaking as one of The Fans, I'm glad he played
AFE & Cars. I'm sure it must be pretty tedious
to those who see him all the time: I feel the same
about my favourite group who *always* finish with
the same song (from 1978). But speaking as a 'new'
fan, I haven't heard these songs live 100 times
before! The bar staff seemed to enjoy them too as
they were all dancing about to those two.
me were 2 other new fans plus two old ones who haven't
seen Gary for years.
the gig was brilliant - better than last year. Gary
has got great fans who all know how to have a good
time. Only trouble is, you're all very tall and
I might have to go upstairs next time! The lighting
was very good and probably looked much better from
the balconies. Gary has got a great stage presence
and seemed to be enjoying it more than when I first
saw him.
be a great souvenir for me if this is released on
my friends and i left the Shepherds Bush Empire
with a very lond ringing in all our ears,
my only thought was 'WOW'. My friends are not Numan
fans but even they were gob-smacked.
From beginning to end, the whole gig was amazingly
powerful and fresh sounding.
I can safely say it was the best Numan gig i've
been to---EVER.
And I believe Gary Numan has another two fans(my
when's the next one gary??
taubert ([email protected])
Packed |
up just in time to see Gary kick the show off with
'M.E.'. The place was absolutely packed - if anything,
downstairs was overfull, causing a short-arse like
me a few problems actually seeing the band!
the gig itself was excellent - best I've been to
for a long while. Gary was in fine form and put
loads into it, and the crowd responded well. Highlights
for me were 'Exile', 'Absolution', 'Remember I was
Vapour' and a stupendous version of 'This Wreckage'.
G ([email protected]
Only Agree |
Can only agree with the 2 reviews already posted
in saying that this was a vast improvement on last
year's one-off, with much better sound (although
the drums were a bit loud in the mix) and a genuine
atmosphere, despite Steve Harris seemingre subdued
than usual (relatively speaking, of course).
lights were certainly the best for some time and
I assume the fact it was being filmed had something
to do with this. The question now is whether anything
will get released - we're still waiting for promised
live albums from previous shows and nothing's appeared.
set list was pretty good overall given we knew there'd
be nothing new, with obvious reworkings on ME and
Vapour. Metal and Pure sounded great but I still
think Voix is utter shite and can't understand why
Cars was included - maybe because the band knows
it and so it avoids having to learn anything new?
Yet again he did 2 slow songs in a row, which really
kills the flow, but I suppose it was to give him
a breather.
Oh, the support band was terrible, but aren't they
([email protected])
Expect Much |
didn't expect much off the gig, as we knew beforehand
that no new or newly arranged songs would be played.
But hey, the tickets were paid, the eurotunnel was
booked, so... let's go.
And then Gary struck us, with a very hard version
of ME, a better light show since the last couple
of years, and a good sound (though I still found
Gary's voice didn't came through clear enough).
I was very happy with the playlist, and please stop
complaining about Cars and AFE. I though they were
brilliantly put at the end of the set. Think of
it as such: a whole lot of bands/people never wrote
one classic in their whole career. Gary wrote two.
So... :-)
Set list: 8/10
Sound: 8/10
Performance: 9/10
Fun: 10/10
De Visscher
The Numan Factor
Fantastic |
Absolutely fucking fantastic. It rocked BIGTIME.
could ever beat Numan in concert. Sound was superb,
band was superb, Gary was, as always AMAZING.
who criticises this gig in anyway wants to have
their fucking head examined.
([email protected])
out of 10 |
This was a test.
daughter reluctantly came along to the shepards
bush gig with me this time, and to say that she
injoyed the experience is a big plus for us numanoids.
was a typical teen with the attitude of a grunger,
new metal fan.
Did'nt like numan until last night, in her own words,
" Numan is brilliant live, better than recorded".
says it all i think, except from me,
thought the light show was fantastic and a small
taster of tours from the past. the sound was good
and numan himself looked well and fit and well up
for it.
Tullett ([email protected])
M.E |
when do numan gigs start on time? When i arrived Absolution
was in full swing, so i missed M.E. which was probably
the highlight of the gig for many fans! The empire
was rammed and everyone seemed happy. Very happy.
This gig delivered much that was missing from the
last one-off, in my humble opinion. The sound was
the best i have ever heard at a numan concert. Every
note was clear (i was standing at the very back of
ground floor). The lights were well used, the set
list was more varied. And there were some suprises
- M.E., Remember I Was Vapour, My Shadow In Vain,
Exile. Yes i know he has played them all before, and
no there was no Joy Circuit or Bombers, but the set
list did mean that the gig was not just a run through
of the Pure set list. Much thought had been put into
the set list.
praise god, there were more keyboards, and well
to the front of the sound mix.
tired old favourites i.e. DITP/Voix/Cars/AFE which
is okay for a regular tour where the newer fans
expect to hear them, but it seems a lost opportunity
for a one-off, where the audience is nearly all
The Fans, and gary could try out new ideas and re-workings.
Maybe next time gary will let rip and have some
fun with the old stuff e.g. This Is My House.
that is a minor, purely personal gripe.
of the gig were Pure, Exile, Vapour and Shadow In
almost as much fun as the first empire one off.
8 out of 10.
([email protected])
Better |
for one was very dissapointed with the last one
off at the empire,and i didnt expect to be to impressed
with this one especially as there would be no new
Thankfully it turned out to be far better than any
of last years shows.
It was still a little short but the performance
and the sound was faultless with out a doubt.
The intro was excellent and m.e had definetly been
Gary and the band gave it everything giving a really
good performance with a much heavier sound.
Highlights for me were everday i die, this wreckage
and a prayer for the unborn.
I wish the day would come when he would drop cars
and are friends electric from the set.
It was still a fantastic gig!
([email protected])